XX Spiritist Week of the Tri-State - June 3-10, 2018
We are honored to announce the 20th Spiritist Week of the Tri-State to be held from June 3-10, 2018. Our guest speaker, Mrs. Heloisa Pires from Brazil, will speak in most of the Spiritist centers in the Tri-State area. The talks will be about topics from the book Genesis of Allan Kardec, as we celebrate 150 years of its first publication.
Mrs. Pires is a renowned Spiritist speaker, a published author and a retired teacher. Her father, Herculano Pires was a well known philosopher with several published Spiritist books. He was responsible for the translation of many Spiritist books from the original French into Portuguese.
The events will be held in Portuguese with English translation in some locations.
All events are open to the public and free attendance.
June 3rd - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Opening Ceremony Heloisa Pires The Genesis According to the Nature Laws Location: Amor e Luz Newark, NJ ** English translation
June 4th - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Heloisa Pires Miracles and Predictions
Location: Luz Divina Newark, NJ
June 5th - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Heloisa Pires The Character of the Spiritist Revelation Location: IESS New York, NY Together with the SGNY Spiritist Group ** English translation
June 6th - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Heloisa Pires The Character of the Spiritist Revelation Location: Caminho da Luz Long Branch, NJ ** English translation
June 7th - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Heloisa Pires The Character of the Spiritist Revelation Location: A Caminho da Luz Danbury, CT
June 8th - 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Heloisa Pires The Genesis According to the Nature Laws Location: SER Bridgeport, CT
June 8th - 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm - Spanish Julio Carvalho, SpanishThe Existence of God Location: Templo San Jose
341 Palisade Ave., Jersey City, NJ
June 9th - TBD Heloisa Pires
Fraternity Location: Long Island Spiritist Studies Long Island, NY
June 10th - 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Closing Ceremony Heloisa Pires Miracles and Predictions Location: Mount Vernon Spiritist Center Mount Vernon, NY ** English translation