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Mindfulness For Better Living Workshops

The TriState Spiritist Federation presents three uplifting workshops in two different locations. The workshops are recommended for those seeking answers for questions like: What is the purpose of life? Why I am here? Why do we suffer?

Guest speakers: Peter Hays - Does your worldview impact your emotional health? Edward Christie - Erudite Music: Means to Mindfulness and Transcendence Kirsten DeMelo - Gratitude: Path to mindfulness and better living

All participants will receive a FREE book.

Twenty minutes fraternal assistance sessions available, as well as spiritual passes (energy therapy). All services are free of charge.

This event is offered at no cost due to the generosity of our volunteers. NEWARK - September 23, 2017 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

119-137 Clifford St, Newark, NJ, United States. Reserve your seat

NEW YORK - September 24, 2017

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 939 8th Ave., #2B Reserve your seat

For additional information contact

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