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US Spiritist Federation Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The United States Spiritist Federation is celebrating its 20th anniversary on November 25, 2017 in New York. An event hosted by USSF President Jussara Korngold featuring the Brazilian mediums and inspiration for the works of the Federation, Divaldo Pereira Franco and Raul Teixeira as guest speakers.

Founded on November 15 of 1997, the United States Spiritist Federation was created to promote the union of the U.S. Spiritist organizations and the unification of the Spiritist Movement in the U.S.. The United States Spiritist Federation devotes its efforts to bring together the Spiritist community with the objective to disseminate the Spiritist doctrine based on the works of Allan Kardec for the American population.

November 25, 2017

Doors open at 3:00 pm

Location: 4W43 Main Ballroom 4 W 43rd. St, New York 10036 *** THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT ***

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